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上海展—Prodipe: focusing on equalized sound
更新时间:2013-10-25 18:04:56 编辑:温情 文章来源:音响网 调整文字大小:【
[导读] 中国的朋友们!我是PRODIPE的首席执行官让-吕克·马森。PRODIPE是一家法国公司,一直骄傲地在中国近20年了,所有的设计都在法国完成。来自法国,我们成功创建一系列的产品如监听音箱,这个已经被全世界的专业人士所采用。


Audio 160: Please briefly introduce Prodipe company

Mr. Masson :Hello to our Chinese friends ! I am Jean-Luc Masson the CEO of Prodipe. Prodipe is a French company that has been working proudly in China for almost 20 years now, all the engineering is developed in France.

From France, we succeed creating a series of products such as the studio monitors that have been used by plenty of professional all around the world.

Moreover, we have a series of microphones for Studio and also for the stage, all our products have been developed in collaboration with the famous French sound engineer Ludovic Lanen.

Audio 160: What is the main advantage of Prodipe

The main advantage of Prodipe is that we develop products focusing on a professional quality but affordable to everyone. Our first challenge is the sound and our challenge is offering to the end customers a professional sound much more affordable than with the other main brands.

Audio 160: Please introduce the new products of Prodipe in this SHANGHAI show.

Regarding new products, we just developed studio monitor 3 ways with a very equalized sound and the new TDC series, as Technology Diffusion Coaxial, that use coaxial drivers and are reversible to be used on a desk, (20° angle) or on stands.

We developed also the PRO6 monitors that included x2 tweeters for a clear definition of the high frequencies, very appreciated by people who like electronic music.

Regarding the microphones, we launched a condenser microphone for stage named MC1-Condenser, with x5 levels of pop shield and a smooth suspension that avoid all the “pop” sounds to make use of condenser sound restitution on stage. In France, the famous singer Francis Cabrel, that sell many albums in Europe,  is using this microphone on stage. Thank you”


Mr. Masson:你好,中国的朋友们!我是PRODIPE的首席执行官让-吕克·马森。PRODIPE是一家法国公司,一直骄傲地在中国近20年了,所有的设计都在法国完成。来自法国,我们成功创建一系列的产品如监听音箱,这个已经被全世界的专业人士所采用。



Mr. Masson:Prodipe的主要优势是,我们开发的产品专注于声音的质量,同时又每个人都负担得起。我们的第一个挑战是声音的品质,同时向其他品牌发起挑战,在性价比方面,让终端用户享受到高品质的声音同时能承受价格相比其他品牌。


Mr. Masson:我们开发了一款三分频监听音箱,声音非常均衡,TDC系列,由于技术传播同轴,我们用同轴驱动,立式或者放在桌子上(20度角)都用好。


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