VXL 系列:拥有卓越声效, 能与任何华美布景契合的超薄线阵音箱

  用于商业空间的扬声器系统不仅需要提供卓越音质,还必须能够与建筑及其内饰轻松融合,VXL 系列线阵扬声器系统能够高度满足这些要求。
  Speaker systems for commercial spaces must not only deliver high sonic quality, but they must also blend effortlessly with the architecture and interior décor. VXL series line array speaker systems satisfy both of these requirements to a high degree.

  VXL 系列的超薄机身仅 54mm 宽,不仅能与任何内饰完美融合,音效水平也非常之高。全频范围的低频响应对于原音再现至关重要。
  Slim cabinets that are only 54 millimeters wide blend beautifully with any interior while providing top-quality sound for speech, as well as full-range frequency response with extended lows that is so vital to satisfying music reproduction.

  High-performance drivers with neodymium magnets are arranged vertically to create a line source that achieves outstanding projection. This configuration is particularly advantageous in corporate conference rooms, lecture halls, shopping malls, and other applications where clear speech must be delivered in a limited space.
  VXL 系列包含六种不同尺寸、颜色的型号,拥有广泛的适用范围。并且,一系列可选硬件使它的安装变得灵活。
  The VXL series lineup includes six models of varying size and color, accommodating a wide range of applications. A range of optional hardware is available for flexible installation.

  Outstanding Sound from Slim Cabinets
  VXL 中使用的 1.5 英寸全频驱动器经过精心设计,整个系列均采用了钕磁铁与优质材料来调谐,这使得仅 54mm 宽的机身拥有出色的全频响应。从平滑的高点到华丽的低点,VXL 精准的原声再现使其成为演讲和音乐的理想选择。
  The 1.5” full-range drivers used in the VXL series have been painstakingly designed and tuned with neodymium magnets and top-quality materials throughout, resulting in excellent full-range response from cabinets that are only 54 millimeters wide. Accurate reproduction from smooth highs to opulent lows makes them ideal for speech as well as music.
  Adaptable to a Diverse Range of Applications
  后面板开关可以将投射角度设置为 20°(向上 10° 和 向下 10°)或 40°(向上 10° 和向下 30°)。* 可根据需要,对声压级和覆盖范围进行进一步的调整。将不同数量驱动单元的型号相结合,可增加更多的应用可能,IP35 防水防尘等级使得 VXL 系列产品同样适合于户外。
  A rear-panel switch allows vertical dispersion to be set to 20° (10° up and 10° down) or 40° (10° up and 30° down).* Sound pressure level and coverage can be further adjusted as required by combining models with different numbers of driver units, expanding the range of potential applications. An IP35 water and dust resistance rating makes the VXL series suitable for outdoor use too.

  * VXL1-8 投射角度固定在 40°(向上 10° 和向下 30°)。
  * VXL1-8 vertical dispersion is fixed at 40° (10° up and 30° down).
  Flexible Installation Options
  除了附带的壁挂支架,VXL 系列还拥有一整套可选硬件,以便于在任何环境中都能进行系统地安装和设置。WMB-L1B 和 WMB-L1W 壁挂支架具有垂直和水平两种角度可供调节功能,VCB-L1 支架使垂直扬声器得以耦合,HCB-L1 则让水平扬声器能够耦合, VCSB-L1B 和 VCSB-L1W 支架允许垂直扬声器耦合,并具有向下调节角度的功能。ST-L1B 和 ST-L1W 扬声器变压器可用于高阻抗系统。
  In addition to the supplied wall-mount brackets, a comprehensive range of optional hardware is available for convenient system mounting and setup in just about any environment. The WMB-L1B and WMB-L1W wall mount brackets feature vertical and horizontal angle adjustment capability, the VCB-L1 bracket allows vertical speaker coupling, the HCB-L1 bracket allows horizontal speaker coupling, and the VCSB-L1B and VCSB-L1W brackets allow vertical speaker coupling with downward angle adjustment capability. ST-L1B and ST-L1W speaker transformers are available for high-impedance systems.


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