


华克山庄酒店坐落于阿喀山山脉斜坡之上,俯瞰汉江,享有韩国首尔的最佳景致。总公司SK Networks最近重新收回了该酒店旗下三个高端场所的管理权,并且正在斥巨资升级所有场所的设施,其中包括雅马哈音响设备的安装。

Sittingon the slopes of Achasan Mountain and overlooking the Hangang River,theWalkerhill Hotel&Resort boasts one of the best views of South Korea’s capital,Seoul.The management ofthe hotel and its trio of high-end venues recently returned to its owners,SKNetworks,which has made a significant investment in upgrading all three,including the installation of Yamaha audio equipment.

华克山庄酒店度假区旗下经营有两个酒店,分别是格兰德华克山庄首尔酒店和维斯塔华克山庄首尔酒店,以及Aston HouseAston House是一处雅各布风格的别墅,曾多次举办过国宴,许多国际奢侈品牌也常常在此举办产品发布会和派对。

WalkerhillHotel&Resort manages two hotels-Grand Walkerhill Seoul and VistaWalkerhill Seoul-along with Aston House,a luxurious Jacobean style mansion,which has hosted many state banquets and has been regularly used for productlaunches and parties for global luxury brands.

在经历了一段时间的分开运营后,SK Networks选择将三个场所合并至一个独立运营状态,并且升级了酒店设施。此次升级包括格兰德华克山庄首尔酒店的会议设施,以及首尔Aston House和维斯塔华克山庄首尔酒店的音响系统。用SK Networks的话来说,后者的升级是为了打造人与自然未来共存的空间,以提供环保又豪华的酒店环境为重心,创造新的生活方式和文化体验。

Aftera period being run by different franchises,SK Networks has chosen to returnall three to independent status,with improved facilities.The investment hasincluded new conference facilities at Grand Walkerhill Seoul and new audiosystems at Aston House and Vista Walkerhill Seoul.The latter’s refurbishment has been designed toachieve-in the words of SK Networks-‘a space wherepeople,nature and the future coexist;creating a lifestyle and culturalexperience with an emphasis on providing sustainable luxury’.


SPL Integrated Solutions,Korea,was entrusted with the supply and installation ofnew AV equipment under the guidance of owner Hwang Jun Ho.He chose Yamahaequipment as a key element of all three venues.



“I was familiarwith the existing audio systems at the hotel,”he says.“When I was asked to recommend solutions for theupgrades,I suggested Yamaha equipment because I have used and trusted it formany years.”

他继续说道:“要符合维斯塔华克山庄首尔酒店和Aston House营造的精致氛围,音质尤为重要。此外,格兰德华克山庄首尔酒店宴会厅的全新会议设施也需要一个精密的音响系统,使得整个宽阔的大厅或是六个小厅内都能使用,这就要求音响系统功能齐全,并且能够根据需求进行调整。”

Hecontinues,“It was reallyimportant for the quality of the sound to match the sophisticated atmospherebeing created at the Vista Walkerhill Seoul and Aston House.In addition,thenew conference facility in the Grand Walkerhill Seoul’sballroom needed a sophisticated audio system,because it can be used as onelarge space or subdivided into up to six separate rooms.This required theaudio system to be extremely versatile and able to be configured accordingly.”


Afterdemonstrating Yamaha solutions to the hotel’s management-and receiving an enthusiastic response-Hwang Jun Hoand his team installed Yamaha ceiling speakers in the public spaces of theVista Walkerhill Seoul,which blend in tastefully with the contemporary décor.The background music is supplied by a computer-based playbacksystem with sound distributed to the lobby,bar area and VIP lounge,via onethe complex’s many Yamaha digital mixers.



Aston House也使用类似的系统,通过雅马哈吸顶音箱输出高品质的背景音乐,并且配备了数字调音台,能为演示和娱乐提供额外的支持。

Asimilar system in Aston House delivers high quality background music via Yamahaceiling speakers,with a digital mixer allowing extra inputs for presentationsand entertainment.


Amore comprehensive system is installed at the Grand Walkerhill Seoul’s new conference facility,based on acomprehensive Dante audio network and managed by a Yamaha matrix processor,with Yamaha input/output units,amplifiers and further digital mixers.Thesystem is controlled and monitored discreetly from a hidden control room,whichensures that the audio matches the configuration of the space at all times.

“从客人和酒店管理者的角度来看,视听设备应该是高品质且易操控的。”黄俊浩说,“我的工作就是设计音响系统,确保如此著名的酒店能提供符合预期的体验,同时具备多样性和灵活性的雅马哈产品总能解决这个问题。很高兴SK Networks被我们提供的解决方案所打动。”

“From a guest andhotel operator’s point of view,the AV facilitiesshould be as high quality and as easy to control as possible,”says Hwang Jun Ho.“It’s my job to design systems which guarantee the experience expectedfrom such a prominent hotel.The variety and flexibility of the Yamaha productrange means that there is always a way to achieve this and I’m very happy to say that SK Networks has been very impressed withthe solutions that we have supplied.”




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