乐享出发,音无界限。传奇音质+卓越出境美学= AKG ARA 双拾音模式 USB 话筒。无论你是艺术家、网络主播还是视频红人,都可以和 AKG ARA 一起探索声音的无限可能,享受灵感迸发的畅快发声!
传奇声学 律动不凡
汲取 AKG 传奇声学工程精华,集成 AKG 自适应拾音头阵列技术,两种拾音模式(心型、全向),可自由切换指向,提供优秀临场感,打造高品质的声音效果。24bt@96kHz超高解析度音质,可承受120dB最大声压级,提供令人难以置信的动态响应。
多种应用 灵动适配
一麦多用,每个场合都游刃有余。高适配性,附赠免费下载 ableton 11 LIVE 录音软件,可和多种场景应用软件无缝协同。高保真声音,大幅提升视频会议效果;清晰通透的音效,激情电竞,畅享无界沟通;利用麦克风底部的接孔插入耳机即可零延迟监听声音,无论您是播客主持人、艺术家还是视频up主,都能最大程度优化您的作品和录音质量。
现代设计 极简有型
卓越设计,打造精彩出境美学,多样化安装方案,可搭配集成式底座,可连接到任何标准麦克风吊杆支架,多样化安装方案,完美融入各种环境,随手一拍都是质感大片。极简化设计,只需简单布线即可连接到 PC 和移动设备。
无边创意,随性释放。创意整装待发,未来之声就在眼前,和@哈曼国际专业 一起,即刻进入 AKG ARA 双拾音模式 USB 话筒的创意世界!
课 程 培 训
关于哈曼(中国)专业音视系统HARMAN (harman.com) designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
With leading brands including AKG®, Harman Kardon®, Infinity®, JBL®, Lexicon®, Mark Levinson® and Revel®, HARMAN is admired by audiophiles, musicians and the entertainment venues where they perform around the world.
More than 50 million automobiles on the road today are equipped with HARMAN audio and connected car systems.
Our software services power billions of mobile devices and systems that are connected, integrated and secure across all platforms, from work and home to car and mobile. HARMAN has a workforce of approximately 30,000 people across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
In March 2017, HARMAN became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics.