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【 供应 】 分频器专用电解电容器
直立式/ 無極性標準品
Radial/ Non-Polarized Standard Series

 Exhibits reliable performance in circuits where polarity is
reverse or not constant such as signal coupling or speaker use.
 Guaranteed long life 2,000 hours at 105℃

Item Performance Characteristics
Operating Temperature range 使用溫度範圍 -40 +105ºC

Rated Voltage額定電壓 6.3V ~ 100V
Capacitance Range容量範圍 0.1 µF ~ 2200 µF
Capacitance Tolerance
靜電容量容許差 20% (120Hz, 20ºC)
Leakage Current洩漏電流 I 0.03CV or 3 (A) whichever is greater after 5 minutes application of rated voltage
Dissipation Factor
散逸因數 (120Hz, 20ºC) Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
tan  (Max.) 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.12 0.10
For capacitance of more than 1,000 F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1,000 F
Temperature Characteristics
低溫溫度特性 (120Hz) Impedance Ratio (120Hz)
Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
Z(-25°C)/Z(20°C) 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Z(-40°C)/Z(20°C) 10 8 6 5 4 4 3 3

Load Life
高溫負荷特性 After2,000 hours application of rated voltage at105°C, capacitors meet the characteristics requirements mentioned below
Capacitance Change within 20% of initial value
tan  200% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current Initial specified value or less
Shelf Life擱置壽命 After leaving Capacitors under no load at 105°C for 1000 hours and applying voltage according to JIS C-5102 4-3, they meet the specified value for load life characteristics listed above

产品规格: BP12UF 100V 16x33
产品数量: 10000000000
产品价格: 面议
包装说明: 袋装
发布时间: 2014-10-9
有 效 期: 89
E-mail:gfdz100@163.com  公司电话:86-755-84006779   传真:86-755-84698112