音响网(Audio160.com) > 行业资讯 > 应用案例(KTV 歌厅设备) > 曼臣音响经典应用案例之汕头市show8俱乐部
更新时间:2015-5-8 13:43:58 编辑:温情 文章来源:音响网 调整文字大小:【

  汕头市show8俱乐部是汕头市有名的休闲的娱乐中心,“王者的气派,神秘的诱惑”是对他最好的诠释。好的休闲场地不仅仅是高档的装修,还需要完美的声音效果,打造极致的娱乐场所。消费者在这不仅能体验奢华的装修,还能享受极致的声音效果。曼臣,针对show8实际情况,以其专业、规范的流程,打造了最适合show 8的声音效果。

  Shantou Show8 Club is a famous Leisure Centre in Shantou,and the king’s style,mysterious is the best interpretation of the Show8 Club.A good leisure venues needs not only the high-end decoration,but also the perfect sound effect to create the ultimate entertainment. Consumers not only can experience the luxurious decoration,but also can enjoy the ultimate sound effect in the Shantou Show8 Club.Martin Dchpro created the most suitable sound  effect  for the Shantou Show8 Club by their professional ,standardized  processes,according to Shantou Show8 Club ’s actual situation.

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