在夜经济逐渐复苏的长春,一家新兴派对式 KTV 的出现为夜晚带来了新的活力,它就是 【X-PARTY】,新的潮流 KTV 派对模式广受欢迎,以“X”传递全新 KTV 娱乐概念,从空间、设计、硬件、服务全方位升级娱乐体验。
X PARTY 内部空间超 1 万平米,单层高达 5 米,包含 18 间 VIP 城市会客厅,59 间 Party Room 先锋玩家聚集区,将 K 歌、派对、主题定制、晚宴酒会等完美融合,摒弃传统的 KTV 理念,把现场打造成专属的派对现场。本项目整体扩声系统由中智建设技术工程有限公司负责设计与集成安装。
X PARTY 采用了哈曼专业旗下 JBL Entertainment 专业扬声器与 Crown 专业功放集成的扩声解决方案,包括 KP6000 系列、KP050 系列、MK 系列专为 KTV、Club 应用的专业娱乐扬声器和 T 系列专业后级功放。
VIP 包房提供超 100 平米的派对头等舱,Party Room 将高科技元素融入现代潮流,满足顾客最 in 的夜娱需求,包厢内现场喊话厂牌 DJ,近距离的声音碰撞,用顶尖的音频设备提供全方位沉浸的 Hi-Fi 娱乐体验,将出色音质传递到每一个派对。
JBL Entertainment KP051 扬声器 * 94 只
JBL Entertainment KP052 扬声器 * 72 只
JBL Entertainment KP6018S 扬声器 * 10 只
JBL Entertainment MK10 扬声器 * 6 对
Crown T3 专业后级功放 * 6 台
Crown T5 专业后级功放 * 47 台
Crown T7 专业后级功放 * 72 台
Crown T10 专业后级功放 * 36 台
关于哈曼HARMAN (harman.com) designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
With leading brands including AKG®, Harman Kardon®, Infinity®, JBL®, Lexicon®, Mark Levinson® and Revel®, HARMAN is admired by audiophiles, musicians and the entertainment venues where they perform around the world.
More than 50 million automobiles on the road today are equipped with HARMAN audio and connected car systems.
Our software services power billions of mobile devices and systems that are connected, integrated and secure across all platforms, from work and home to car and mobile. HARMAN has a workforce of approximately 30,000 people across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
In March 2017, HARMAN became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics.