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    Harman Pro


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    技术培训--哈曼 Pro eBooks 强势上线!

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    技术培训版块共分为:线上基础课程、新产品课程以及 eBooks 三大版块。线上课程共包含:音视控制、专业灯光以及专业音响三类基础课程以及线上新品课程。




    eBooks 作为技术培训版块的补充内容,致力于为曼粉和经销商提供更全面、更详尽的应用/安装指导资料,是一份囊括技术文章、设计指导、安装指导及技术白皮书的综合性电子读物。曼粉和经销商可根据需要进入对应版块,自行进行在线阅读或下载 eBooks 。

    eBooks 书架预览

    HARMAN (harman.com) designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.

    With leading brands including AKG®, Harman Kardon®, Infinity®, JBL®, Lexicon®, Mark Levinson® and Revel®, HARMAN is admired by audiophiles, musicians and the entertainment venues where they perform around the world.

    More than 50 million automobiles on the road today are equipped with HARMAN audio and connected car systems.

    Our software services power billions of mobile devices and systems that are connected, integrated and secure across all platforms, from work and home to car and mobile. HARMAN has a workforce of approximately 30,000 people across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

    In March 2017, HARMAN became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics.

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