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MARTIN-DCHPRO(曼臣)音箱 Zeagnis系列

MARTIN-DCHPRO(曼臣)音箱 Zeagnis系列

Zeagnis series适用于剧院扩声系统,演唱会,演艺大厅,夜总会等娱乐场所。Zeagnis series选用国际顶级的桦木材质,动力足,声音通透细腻,丰满弹性。
Zeagnis series
Zeagnis series适用于剧院扩声系统,演唱会,演艺大厅,夜总会等娱乐场所。Zeagnis series选用国际顶级的桦木材质,动力足,声音通透细腻,丰满弹性。音箱采用国际高端的分频驱动系统,稳定性高,失真度低,持久性好;高音通透细腻,清新悦耳,中低音丰满弹性,饱满有力。人性化的安装选项和吊挂装置让安装变得简洁便捷。Zeagnis series拥有顶尖的听觉体验和享受,无论在清晰柔和方面还是在震撼冲击力方面,Zeagnis series都能让用户拥有让灵魂结冰的极致享受。
Zeagnis series is designed for theater, concerts, performing arts halls, nightclubs and other entertainment venues. Zeagnis series selected international top birch which make it have enough power, transparent ,delicate, full and flexibility sound. Speakers have an international high-end crossover drive system which make it have high stability, low distortion, good durability; transparent and delicate, fresh and sweet treble, plump elastic, full and powerful bass. User-friendly installation options and hanging device makes installation simple and convenient. Zeagnis series has a top-notch listening experience and enjoy both in clear and soft areas and in the shock impact areas; Zeagnis series can allow users to have the ultimate enjoyment of the soul icing.

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